Workers in The Netherlands are the 5th highest paid in the world


New research revealed the countries where workers earn the most, with The Netherlands found to be the country with the 5th highest average annual wage in the world. The study carried out by Lensa looked at the average hourly income for 35 countries (where data was available) to find where in the world workers are underpaid the most, as well as where workers earn the highest salaries.

Iceland ranks first as the country that pays its workers the most. Workers in Iceland earn an average of $47.03 per hour, the highest amount among the studied countries! Luxembourg, one of the smallest but richest countries in the world, ranked second globally, with an average wage of $46.15 per hour. On average workers in Luxembourg work eight hours less than those in Iceland, however, they earn around $2,000 less per year. The third highest earning country is Denmark. Danes earn $43.41 per hour on average, this is over $15 higher than the global average.


Top 10 countries with the highest paid workers:


Rank Country Annual Average Wages Average Hourly Wages
1 Iceland $67,488 $47.03
2 Luxembourg $65,854 $46.15
3 Denmark $58,430 $43.41
4 Switzerland $64,824 $43.36
5 Netherlands $58,828 $42.05
6 Norway $55,780 $40.75
7 Germany $53,745 $40.36
8 Austria $53,132 $37.95
9 United States $66,383 $37.57
10 Belgium $54,327 $36.68

The research also looked at the countries that pay their workers the least, to find that Mexico is the country where workers are underpaid the most, earning an average of $7.64 per hour, over $20 less than the global average!



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