Ondernemerschap: Pioneering Spirit heeft zijn eerste opdracht op volle zee succesvol voltooid.


allseas 1Allseas’ dynamically positioned single-lift installation/decommissioning and pipelay vessel “Pioneering Spirit” successfully executed her maiden heavy lift project, removal of the 13,500 t Yme mobile offshore production unit (MOPU) in the North Sea, 100 km off the coast of Norway, on 22 August 2016 for Repsol Norge AS.

The Yme MOPU is a jack-up type platform standing on three steel legs of 3.5 m diameter, which are inserted approximately 10 m inside the subsea storage tank columns at 93 m water depth.

With this platform removal, Allseas was able to demonstrate the unique single-lift capabilities of “Pioneeringallseas 3 Spirit”.

The platform has since been sea-fastened on board and the vessel is currently on her way to the newly developed dismantling yard in Lutelandet, Norway.




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