Andreas Nauen volgt ceo Josef Gerstner op bij KTR Group


Andreas Nauen wordt per 1 juni de nieuwe ceo van de KTR Group, als opvolger van Josef Gerstner die zich na negen jaar terugtrekt uit de directie van de fabrikant van aandrijfcomponenten. Nauen was tot voor kort ceo bij het Duitse Senvion. In Nederland heeft KTR sinds 2000 een vestiging in het Overijsselse Hengelo. In de juni-uitgave van het vorig jaar publiceerde Link Magazine een interview met Gerstner.

Under the management of Prof. Dr. Josef Gerstner (67) KTR implemented a successful and sustainable development. It was characterized, among others, by re-engineering of the company, the consistent expansion of the headquarters in Rheine, the extension of the product portfolio and the development of KTR’s locations in India and just recently China being the latest production and logistics centre for East and South-East Asia. Gerstner will continue to be closely linked to the company both as a member of the advisory board and as a consultant. In addition he will continue to perform his duties within the governing board of VDMA (Association of German Machinery and Plant Manufacturers) and the VDMA in North Rhine-Westphalia as well as the Verband Münsterländischer Metallindustrieller (Association of industrialists in metal industry in Munsterland).
An experienced manager and acknowledged expert of the wind energy industry, Dipl.-Ing. Mechanical Engineering & MBA Andreas Nauen (51) will nauentake over the position of the general managing director. After his studies of Mechanical Engineering, Nauen started his career in the power plant sector of Siemens AG in 1991 working in the project management of gas and steam turbines first. Afterwards he undertook sales responsibilities for fossil power plants in India and from 1997 for the European market. From 2002 to 2004 he was responsible for strategic planning and communication with Siemens‘ power generation division. After the Danish manufacturer of wind turbines, Bonus Energy A/S, had been taken over by Siemens in 2004, he set up the group’s wind energy business as CEO of Siemens Wind Power A/S. In 2010 Mr. Nauen joined the company Senvion GmbH where he held the position as CEO until January 2016. ‘KTR is excellently positioned for the next major steps’, Nauen explained. ‘I am very excited about my new assignment, and I specifically look forward to continue the positive development of this long-established company together with the entire KTR team.’
Founded in 1959, KTR today operates globally with more than 1,100 employees, more than 410 of them working at the headquarters in Rheine. As a leading supplier in drive technology for industrial applications, the KTR Group provides mechanical drive components, hydraulic and electromechanical brake systems, hydraulic components and cooling systems to the industrial markets on all continents.



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