AMS wijst 90 procent startup-klanten af


Bart Bakkum, de CCO van AMS Group, een productiebedrijf met het hoofdkantoor in Amsterdam en fabrieken in zuidelijk China, stelt hoge eisen aan start-ups die klant willen worden. Ze moeten beschikken over solide business cases, doordachte distributie strategieën en een stevige financiële positie en rugdekking. ‘In actual numbers, we want to see that their annual product manufacturing demand will become at least over US$500,000 within 18 months. If they cannot promise these numbers, we probably would not consider taking their case’, aldus Bakkum in een interview met HW Trek.

‘To be honest, we have to reject around 90% of the incoming requests, as we do not think there is a possible “fit” between our companies. Reasons for that can be that we do not see how this project would add enough value to our company, or the project is too early-stage, or the creator has unrealistic expectations or the product already exists in the market, or they are targeting a mature and saturated market.’



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